Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Questions Everyone Should Ponder

            How does one deal with the death of a loved one?  Sure there are many books and articles and counselors and religious leaders and specialists who claim to know how to cope, but how can anyone cope with death unless they’ve themselves died?  How do people know what dying is really like?  How do people know there is an afterlife?  Has anyone ever truly died and then came back to life to tell about their death experience?  I’m not talking about a near-death experience.  I’m talking about full on dead and gone for good experience.  Why does the prospect of non-existence terrify me so much?  Before I was born I didn’t exist, so does that mean that I will cease to exist when I die?  Or is it true that once life has begun and a soul is created it cannot simply cease to exist?  Must a soul live on forever?  Are souls even real?  Is there scientific proof that humans have souls?  Or is it something we’ve conjured up to keep ourselves sane?  Are we making up theories that comfort us as a way to avoid thinking of the awful possibility that our lives that we are living right now might be a once in eternity thing?  Is it possible that when we die there is absolutely nothing beyond our last breath?  Is the pain one feels in life is better than the feeling of non-existence?  Is it better to be alive and in pain then to be non-existent?  For me the dilemma of dealing with the loss of a loved one is this:  how can I be certain the person I love is in a state of peace when no one has died and lived to tell about it?

I try not to make this blog too serious, but hey sometimes life leads you to dark places.

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